“We have to dare to try out new models of moving funds.”
Earlier this week, Norad — the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation held an important conversation on shifting power to civil society and local groups in international development.
The seminar touched on critical issues related to the #ShiftThePower movement.
I had the pleasure of publishing an article in Panorma News (“Bistandsaktuelt) this week, reflecting on this conversation — and not least the need to dare to try new models of moving the funds.
Specifically, I argue that the development and aid field has a lot to learn from the field of alternative and more participatory grantmaking that is taking place around the world right now.
→ Vi må tørre å teste ut nye tildelingsmetoder
Norsk — LINK
The article is in Norwegian. Here is a short summary in English:
“We must dare to test out new allocation methods The aid field has a lot to learn from so-called “participatory grantmaking”, which challenges the uneven power relationship between donors and local organisations. It is high time to test out new collaboration models rooted in the experience and knowledge of those who are directly affected.”
Hope that the text can contribute to more curiosity and interest in this work!